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O2 equipment

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Reaction score
I have some O2 cylinders, they have a chrome fitting on top that allows attaching a medical style regulator. I took them to the FBO to get filled, they said they only have fittings to fill aircraft style fittings.

Should I give them the cylinder with the regulator attached? Or is there a fitting that screws into the top of the cylinder I have, that enables the FBO to fill it with some magic Airplane Equipment? If so, where would I get one of those fittings? This is a free standing setup. I have a medical style regulator, and some pendant cannulas.

I have tried to get them filled at the Medical Supply store, they won't do it without a prescription from a physician, and my doctor won't write a script for it, something about CMS/the Feds requiring a billing code which will go into the system on my health records, and I don't have a DX in my records that allows writing the script. Which sucks, because prescription O2 is $20/cylinder. FBO is $60/cylinder.

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