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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2015
Reaction score
So I went to the airport. Told Th' Ol' Lady that I needed to change the oil, and give it a bath. She was not very happy about that until I mentioned fly-in season, and Triple Tree specifically. Then she was all for it.
She loves Triple Tree. Well, when I got there, I hadda warm the oil so it would flow out better/faster. So a couple or three circuits, and it was warmed up nicely. Drained into a couple of old antifreeze jugs. I just love those quick drains that you can put a hose on. drained the oil, changed the filter, topped it up with oil, and set about the task of washing. Now that was a task. It hadn't had a bath in over a year, much less wax. I got under it and started the task of cleaning it's underneath. The paper towels that I had were not up to the task. But I got the job done pretty quickly with liberal application of WD40. WD40 best for use on airplane bellys. Spray on, wipe off, works great. Anyway, after the bath, and oil change, I decided to dry it off. (don't want no spots
) fired it up and it ran ragged as all get out. taxied around, and decided that water had gotten into the mags when I washed the engine compartment. (required after oil change, lest you have a dirty engine compartment) So I parked it, and let it drip dry. mabe the mags will dry out by tomorrow.

While I was there, I decided that I need to paint FWF. Firewall is flat black and peeling, motor mount is dull with rusty spots, push rod tubes are peeling. and rocker boxes are looking kinda rough as well.

On the plus side, in the past 50 hours I've only used 2 quarts of oil.

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