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Newly acquired 1981 pa32-301t

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2013
Reaction score
I'm still trying to determine if this was a deal or not, but I picked up a 1981 Turbo Saratoga (fixed gear) a couple of weeks ago. I'm trying to fix up some little things and gather parts to take to an A&P, but I cannot find a part number for the throttle / wastegate interconnect cable. It is very stiff and the boot on the throttle end is shot. I have disconnected it to make sure it is the cable and not the wastegate sticking, and both the throttle lever and wastegate operate smoothly with it off. I'm going to use Mouse Milk to get by for now, but really want to replace this cable. I've had no luck searching the net nor Piper parts catalog 761-720. Reviewing the logs, I find no mention of it ever being replaced, as that might have shown the P/N.

I'll have much more to pick all you TIO-540-S1AD owners / operators brains about after I get a few things done. CHT and oil temps -OR- fuel flow seems ridiculous, but from what I read here, that's not unusual. Mine has no intercooler, with the pageant-winning fish mouth cowl. Basically, the choices I had bringing it home to Florida from Texas were 19.2 GPH @ 11k / 65% (2400/24), or 245 OT and 395-435 CHT's (~15 GPH). TIT was fine @ 1550. The first fuel stop confirmed the FF, to my disappointment. I do see a small opportunity with baffling to improve airflow, and I am going to have the oil cooler flushed and cleaned, and make sure the oil screen is not gunked up, so I'll see what I have afterwards. I find no mention of a vernatherm on this engine, as others here have referenced. While my temps are (barely) still in the green arc, I don't fancy running that hot. It has a JPI-700 that agrees with factory gauges.

flyguydon- once I get my shopping basket filled, would you be interested in helping me out with some of this? I was going to see if you were willing to do my next annual on my Arrow anyway, but then this opportunity came up. I need to decide which one I'll keep, but that largely depends on what I can do with these temps, short of the $20k intercooler solution. I'll consider doing that at OH time if I keep the 'toga. I'm about a 90-minute flight south of you, and I can sleep just about anywhere;)

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