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NEW Whelen LED Lights

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Jul 9, 2018
Reaction score
I have the following Whelen LED lights in stock ready to ship. Shipping is $15 and will come via trackable USPS Priority Mail Medium flat rate box. If you order a few of these lights (so it won't fit in a medium flat rate box) or are international, expect extra. Here is what I currently have in stock and I have already sold two PAR36 lights before I even listed these. Each light comes with a 30 day money back guarantee from my business. I prefer PayPal for payment but can take Visa or Mastercard too. Email me at [email protected] to arrange your order.

Item No Model No Item Description Quantity Price
1 P36P2L 24V Whelen Parmetheus Plus Landing Lights (PAR 36) 3 $199.99
2 P36P2T 24V Whelen Parmetheus Plus Taxi Lights (PAR 36) 4 $199.99
3 7188800 14V Whelen LED Recognition Lights 4 $249.99
4 PLED1L 14V Whelen Landing Lights (PAR 36) 1 $149.99
5 P36P1L 14V Whelen Parmetheus Plus Landing Lights (PAR 36) 1 $199.99


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