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Need help finding older DME antenna

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Jul 13, 2011
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Hope some of you with experience in avionics can help me. The DME on our 1975 Archer began to degrade over the last year. The dash unit checked out good at a local avionics shop. As a additional test I connected the transponders antenna to the DME and it was like night and day. It really worked well. So it is either cable or antenna. I cleaned both ends with non oily contact cleaner but no difference.

I shorted one end of the coax and read the other end with a vom., It showed about .2 ohms which is what I would expect. I can't determine the capacitance though.

So, now I am trying to find a replacement for the existing antenna and here is my problem. The existing shark blade style antenna looks like the KA-60 from Bendix, or a Comant CI105 BUT mine does not have studs as they do. It has 2 phillips screws that recess into the molded plastic from the outside at each edge of the antenna. These screws are 4 inches apart. It also has a PL259 style screw antenna connector which requires an adapter. The KA-60 and others have studs that are 1.75 inches apart.

I looked on line for a replacement but I have not seen one picture or description of the style I have. It says Bendix King on the antenna.

If a direct replacement cannot be found, would it be better to just leave the existing antenna in place and install another one. This leads to another question. It seems that if I add another one it would be easier and cheaper to install a stub style antenna. Is there any difference in their performance?

Thanks for any help!

PS: Please, no comments about ditching the DME and buying a G430. I don't have the money!

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