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My new business venture, Advanced Aviation Training Device/Mobile Lab

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Jan 27, 2024
Reaction score
New Orleans
As well as owning an aircraft I recently built out a full mobile training lab with an approved Advanced Aviation Training Device. When I was training for private pilot and now for instrument I kind of thought what would have been nice to have or what would have made the training more effective. My answer was access to a more quiet controlled training environment without distractions. Whiteboard for notes, VFR maps dry erase capable, large screen monitors for power point presentations or video training, and of course a simulator. I have been working with the two local training schools to have me come over especially during periods of inclement weather. Dont cancel students because of weather, call me, I will bring the lab to your location. Fully climate controlled working off shore power if available and on board generator if need be. Ask me anything, this is a concept that I believe will be worthwhile to me, flight schools, and of course students.


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