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Dec 31, 2013
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My friend and A&P/IA is selling his existing engine currently mounted on his PA28-140. He had the spare case, crank and all but he has been waiting on new lycoming jugs for almost a year and finally they have arrived. SO, he is in the process of putting together his new engine. Based at N14 - Engine is regularly flown, is flawless, can be test flown if needed before removal from plane, comes with complete logs and all the accessories. Below is his ad on barnstormers.

LYCOMING O-320-E2A FOR SALE • AVAILABLE • Selling running airworthy engine from my Cherokee. Just finished building a new one for it. It is a 150hp model. Has just over 1800 since overhaul. No issues. It is complete with log books, carb, mags, fuel and vac pump. Still on the airframe and will stay until sold. Can inspect the engine and we can take a flight with it. Prefer text initially as I receive too many sales calls.• Contact Steve Blackstone , Owner - located Medford, NJ 08055 United States • Telephone: 609-836-3590 •

BARNSTORMERS.COM Find Aircraft & Aircraft Parts - Airplane Sale, Jets, Helicopters, Experimental, Warbirds & Homebuilt
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