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Lithium battery low temperature issue

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Apr 25, 2010
Reaction score
Western Massachusetts
Son Matt's plane was in an unheated hangar several nights ago, and in the morning the small engine (ROTAX 915iS) was very slow to crank over and start. The temperature was 19 below zero that morning. The Lithium battery was placarded with a low temperature of 23 below zero.

Matt called the battery manufacturer for info. The 23 below zero is the temperature where battery specs are not met, There is no damage to the battery. 40 below might be a problem, but we will never get that cold in Massachusetts...I hope.

The recommended startup procedure is to turn on some items that draw power from the battery for about a minute before cranking the engine. (This warms the battery). This is well known by motorcycle owners... they turn on their headlight.

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