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LH vs RH Piper Ram Horn Yokes

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Nov 3, 2024
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So I'm changing the Six 260 from Bowtie to Ram Horn yokes as part of the avionics upgrade and I'm having a hard time finding a RH or Co-Pilot side yoke. It sure looks like the only difference is the switch placement is on the right side if RH Yoke..... if that's the case I see no reason to not just use a LH Yoke in the RH side and carry on. Currently the co-pilot is just going to be looking at a blank panel and a glovebox because I'm not putting any gages over there anyway. 😂

For those of you with experience on this, is the LH yoke ok to use on the RH side?

Also, there is an AD on the bowtie that calls out a replacement part number to exit the AD of 79276-00V. I don't understand what the V is for.... I'm finding plenty of yokes with the right length and diameter but the stated PN is just 79276-00. I'm going with these unless someone knows of some reason why it's not a valid PN.

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