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Leaking Fuel Cell - Saratoga II TC

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New Member
Feb 16, 2016
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I have a 2001 Saratoga II TC. During a recent pre-flight after a few days at a KMMH in CA, i noticed heavy blue staining under the wing. My mechanic investigated, and pulled the tanks. There were several spots where the seals were sticky. The material lining the tanks was pliable like putty. According to Hartwig Aircraft (fuel cell specialists), the lining is supposed to be hard when properly cured. This MAY be a manufacturing defect.

It looks like this has been developing over some time, but the cold temperatures may have exacerbated the leaks, making them more evident.
Leaking Fuel Cell 1.jpg
Leaking Fuel Cell 2.jpg

We have reached out to Piper to get their input.

Has anyone else had an experience like this? I can't find anything in any of the forums.

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