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Laminar Flow Systems needs your help!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2011
Reaction score
Calling all Piper Pilots!

Laminar Flow Systems needs your help!

We currently are seeking out available Piper PA 28, PA32's and PA34's to modify with LFS products and flight test. The main intention is to gather before and after performance numbers and record them by various methods. All the mods are fully FAA approved and STC'd.

This of course is not a one way street! We are willing to discount you, the pilot, heavily on any products that we install on your bird and include you in on every step of the flight test process. Details of these discounts and procedures can be discussed further on an individual basis.

This is a great way to not only see what Laminar Flow products can do for you but to save money at the same time. You will get to show off your aircraft to the world and sport what we hope will be your brand new speed modifications.

Laminar Flow Systems has been modifying Pipers since 1982 and continues to make improvements to our product line. Now you can be a part of our next stage of progress.

If you are interested in being a part of this flight test offer, then please email us at [email protected] or visit our website at www.LaminarFlowSystems.com and drop us a line. Please note that all flight test will be conducted in Daytona Beach, Florida​

Thank you all for your interest and continued support of the aviation community!

Exactly what do you mean by "discount heavily "? How many hours of flight testing are required? Where does the testing take place? As part of the process do you repair the plane to the same standards as exhisted prior to the modification? How pond does it take?

Exactly what do you mean by "discount heavily "? How many hours of flight testing are required? Where does the testing take place? As part of the process do you repair the plane to the same standards as exhisted prior to the modification? How pond does it take?



Thanks for your interest.

Our proposed plan is that you bring your aircraft to Daytona Beach for us to install the modifications. Unfortunately, we are unable to perform testing at any other location at this time. We will first conduct the before testing, which will typically consist of one flight. During this flight test, we will be recording specific data points including airspeed, RPM and altitude.

Then the aircraft will be modified with the agreed mods. These modifications will be done by our local maintenance shop that does all our installations.

The details will change to fit each specific case. We would like to start very soon... but if SpeedPants is part of the kit we install we will need to wait a month.

The price for the mods will be the list price without any discounts, less 25%. The installation cost will be 25% off the regular shop rate of $75 which comes to about $56 per hour.

I'll be happy to answer any further questions I may not have addressed.


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