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KX-200 and EASA Form-1

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Jan 7, 2018
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Would like some insight from IA’s or Avionic Repair Stations on the forum.

Recently received the Honeywell/Bendix-King KX-200 Nav/Com that I preordered last year at SNF.

Normally, installing a radio in a certificated aircraft is not a problem because they come with FAA TSO approval and a Form 8130-3. The KX-200 and adapter came with an EASA Form-1 Authorised Released Certificate issued in Germany by Becker Avionics with no reference to being authorized to install in a U.S. certificated aircraft. In fact, the following is noted on the EASA Form:

"This certificate does not automatically constitute authority to install item(s). Where the user/installer performs work in accordance with regulations of an airworthiness authority different from the airworthiness authority specified in block 1, it is essential that the user/installer ensures that his/her airworthiness authority accepts items from the airworthiness authority specified in block 1. Statements in block 13a and 14a do not constitute installation certification. In all cases aircraft maintenance records must contain an installation certification issued in accordance with the national regulations by the user/installer before the aircraft may be flown."

I am aware that the FAA and EASA have some sort of bilateral agreement on reciprocity, but I’m thinking there would be a document/letter/form/certification from the FAA that “ensures” acceptance of the EASA certification and provides authorization for me to install the Nav/Com and Adapter into my U.S. certificated aircraft. Apparently not.

In searching for authorizing documentation, I came upon a FAQ related to "Reciprocal Acceptance." (see attached). While I understand the mutual acceptance between FAA and EU articles, the FAQ does not specifically state that the EASA Form-1 is "Acceptable Data" per the FAA. So I am not clear on what basis I can make a logbook entry showing the EASA Form-1 as being "acceptable data" per FAA maintenance requirements and okay to install in my aircraft.

Is the EASA Form-1 the equivalent of an FAA Form 8130-3? In doing more research, I understand they ARE equivalent BUT here in the U.S. a dual release form is needed from an American Manufacturer ( https://ecommerce.aviationeu.suppli...irworthiness-approval-forms-for-productsparts ). Do avionic installers need to make a request to Honeywell for a dual release form or is just citing the EASA form okay?

Can someone help me out by explaining the relationship and by providing sample language to use in the logbook? I'm thinking, for instance:

"Minor Alteration: Installed Bendix-King KX200 Nav/Com Transceiver Serial No. XXXXX. KX200 approved for replacement installation per EASA Form-1 and installed per Honeywell Installation and Operations Manual 89000002-120, dated 1/23/2025."

Would such a statement meet the acceptable data requirement under 14CFR Part 43.13(a) Performance Rules (general) and be sufficient for installation?

For those who have installed any Becker Avionics with an EASA Form-1 in their certified aircraft, how did the maintenance installer write it up?

As a note, I did not read in Honeywell’s Installation and Operations Manual that the manual is FAA Acceptable Data, though generally, such manuals are referenced by the FAA as having to be complied with in order to have a legal installation. The radio and the adapter both have a sticker that has an FCC ID number and an ETSO reference number.

Also, a Honeywell tech rep I spoke to referred me to AC 20-41A dated 4/5/77. That AC addresses functionality testing and applies to substitution of TSO-Approved equipment. And there is the conundrum, as I don’t have anything that says the KX-200 is TSO’d or authorized to install in my aircraft. The tech rep said that Honeywell is the manufacturer, in which case wouldn't it provide a Form 813-3 instead of an EASA Form-1?. I need help please to understand what is required.

Thank you in advance for comments, suggestions and insights.



  • reciprocal_acceptance_faq.pdf
    285.2 KB
  • AC_20-41A.pdf
    115.2 KB

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