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For Sale Breakers, Tach, MP/FF, Senders and more

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Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
Hey all, up for sale from the latest update. All items were working perfectly when removed.

15 - Breakers, 7 454-706 5A, 1 454-719 7.5A, 2 454-707 10A, 2 454-708 15A, 2 454-709 20A, 1 454-710 25A
Sold as a lot $125 includes buss bar

Tachometer and cable 62177-019 $175
Manifold Pressure/ Fuel Flow 99022-000 $125
2 Fuel tank sending units with gaskets, they were very accurate, 68101-002 $175 each
5 Panel Light Sockets 565-516 $50
Oil Temp Sender 362EW / 550-487 $50
2 NuLite LED LW3014 $50 each
2 Fuel Gauge Lines, 1 from fuel divider to firewall and one vent line from firewall. Both Feb 2022 and D Style $150
Fuel Gauge Cluster with recently overhauled fuel pressure gauge, includes LED lights and sockets $300
Oil/ Amp Cluster(has the white dot), includes LED lights and sockets $200

Shipping will be at my cost or we can arrange pickup at KBGM or KCZG.



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