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KT-74 failing FAA ADS-B compliance check

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Dec 4, 2014
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I recently had a KT-74 installed along with a GTN-650, PMA-8000BT, and Aspen panel as part of a big avionics upgrade. I've had several minor issues with the install that have caused me to go back to the shop, things like audio jacks not hooked up correctly, inability to transmit on the #2 radio, and most recently the audio panel completely died (the shop replaced the CB and it's been fine since.)

Given these multiple issues, I worry about becoming a nag to the shop. It seems now however that the KT-74 is not configured correctly, and may be missing a part of the install that is required by the STC.

I have emailed the FAA on several occasions for ADS-B out compliance reports and every one of them shows multiple failures. The SIL and SDA values are always zero. Ownship ADS-B data I can see with a Stratus clearly shows that vertical speed and ground speed aren't being transmitted. It also shows that the transponder is transmitting an airborne signal even when it's sitting stationary on the ground. The two attached pictures are screenshots of the data at 0 knots in front of my hangar and a short time later at 6500' MSL.

If I understand it correctly, the STC for the KT-74 requires installation of an airspeed switch to tell the unit if it is on the ground or in the air, and I suspect the switch isn't installed (I certainly haven't been able to find it). The log entry says the install was done IAW the STC but I am starting to doubt that, especially since the STC includes test procedures that should have caught these problems. This was the first KT-74 the shop has installed.

Has anyone successfully installed a KT-74 or TT-31 who can shed some light on this? Is the airspeed switch actually required or could these errors just be misconfiguration? I'm getting ready to go back to the shop for about the 5th time, but I want to make sure I've done my homework and don't make a big deal out of something that may be really simple. I also don't want to sound like I'm accusing them of not following the STC if I'm just misunderstanding it.
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