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KFC200 slaved to GNS430, Beginner's Query

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New Member
Jan 22, 2014
Reaction score
Hi all

I've just started flying a PA32, equipped with a KFC200 and a GNS430.

I'm happy with the basic 'Heading' setting on autopilots, as I'm familiar with the Piper Autocontrol IIIb. The Alt hold and Nav setting for VOR intercepts are also pretty easy to grasp.

My question: I understand it's possible, from speaking with the aircraft vendor, to slave the KFC to the 430. He did it himself, from time to time, having the KFC fly a flightplan of waypoints, and whilst would more typically use the Heading bug, there were various useful occasions when having the KFC talk with the 430 were handy.

Is there a resource, preferably on-line, where I could get more information on this?

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