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JPI vs EI engine monitors, from JPI

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Apr 13, 2010
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Just to add insult to injury, here is my question, and JPI's answer, about why we should pay more than double for their twin systems:

Good morning

I have a question on pricing for the EDM 960. A friend put one in his Aztec two years ago at my suggestion, and we love the system.

However, I can't see installing any more of these, since my customers can't stomach the "value" proposition. In the past, twin engine aircraft usually were worth more than singles, so providers could charge more and the market would bear it. But since the advent of Cirrus aircraft, twins have continued to decline in value, often far below their sister single engine aircraft. The Piper Saratoga compared to the Seneca is a great example. Both have the same basic capabilities but the Seneca is valued at 30-50% LESS due to higher operational costs. So owners have difficulty rationalizing a $16,000 engine monitor in the Seneca, whereas the $6300 monitor in the Saratoga is no trouble at all.

Owners will ask, why should I pay $16,000 for an EDM960, when two EDM930's are valued at only $12,600? Add in the substantially higher installation costs on the twin, and the EDM960 becomes a $21,000 installation, or $25,000 if a new instrument panel is required to accommodate it.

As such, the market is turning towards the EI CGR series which offer most of the EDM's capabilities but at a more attractive price point, since they do not charge a premium for a twin system. In fact, they offer a discount for twins.

So my real question is, will JPI adjust the EDM960 pricing to bring it into line with customer expectations? It's a great unit but it's seriously overpriced in today's declining twin engine marketplace.

Best regards

And, now JPI's thoughtful answer:

"Hi Glenn,
We have sold several EDM 960’s and have not had any complaints. Quality does come at a price. You are more than welcome to purchase two great units from Electronics International.
Thank You,
JPI Sales
[email protected]
Fax 714-557-9840"

If you buy another brand monitor, please feel free to write Kristie and tell her that you are buying the competitor's product.

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