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iPad vs Garmin 795 (or 796)

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Aug 13, 2013
Reaction score
I am looking for real world observations between using an ipad with garmin pilot or buying a garmin 795 or 796.

In particular:
1). Screen brightness in direct sunlight

2). Subscription costs

3). Weather overlays

4). General overall functionality

It seems to me that the ipad is the economical choice, no monthly subscriptions or updates. Spending $849 on a gdl3d gives weather and backup horizon, not to mention a bit of traffic.

On the other hand, the 795 or 796 could be hard wired to whatever ADS-B solution that I wind up with in a year or two and might give me a better solution at that time

Before I spend $850 to "enhance" my ipad experience I'm just looking for comments from the field. It's a lot of money and I want to be sure I invest it wisely.

I know this topic may be a bit of chocolate versus vanilla as it may just come down to preference but I could use the opinions.

Thanks in advance.

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