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Installation of Insight TAS-1000 Transport Canada STC on US registered aircraft.

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Feb 24, 2023
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Wondering if anyone has experience with this unit. a TAS-1000 air data computer made by Insight avionics. seems to work well with the g4 engine monitor giving you lots of useful information like winds and True airspeed in addition to logging this in the engine data. I've seen it installed on several US registered aircraft. I am trying to figure out how to install it paperwork wise.

It has a Transport Canada STC https://www.insightavionics.com/pdf files/TAS-STC.pdf

Does it require a field approval or is there another process to install Canadian STC's on US aircraft? Is it a simple logbook entry with a 337? I know FAA has a bilateral agreement with Canada

https://www.insightavionics.com/pdf files/MFDS.pdf

Thanks in advance!

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