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uAvionix receives tailBeacon STC!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2012
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This is just a part of the email. Check the uAvionix website for more.

STC Installations
tailBeacon employs an initial STC for a single aircraft type (Cessna 172) with follow on installations to be conducted using the ADS-B Policy Memo. That FAA memo, titled ?Installation Approval for ADS-B OUT Systems,? explains that after an initial STC is achieved for ADS-B OUT equipment, additional installations can be accomplished on aircraft not listed on the AML by an A&P with Inspection Authorization (IA) so long as the installation does not require airframe modification. This blanket approval requires only completion of a two-page FAA form known as a 337, with no authorizing signature. This is the same form and paperwork required if installed under the AML STL. Countless skyBeacon customers have installed their equipment using this memo, and it is a great example of the FAA being progressive to limit certification delays and installations costs.

For ease of installation and paperwork, we have provided a sample 337 form for tailBeacon. Once the form is completed your installer will mail it to the FAA office in Oklahoma City, while keeping a copy on file with the aircraft maintenance logs. This process is typical for many ADS-B installations and your installer is likely familiar with the process. If your installer has questions please ask them to contact us.

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