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Increase in iron & copper in latest oil analysis

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Dec 8, 2012
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Not interested in rehashing the topic of the worth of oil analysis just have a question for those who use oil analysis and perhaps have been doing so for sometime.

I have a PA-29-180 Piper challenger Lycoming engine.

results over last 6 oil analysis from March 2016 are below for Copper and Iron. You will see the readings in July 2018 are spiked. The mechanic does not seem worried and says there was absolutely no metal in the oil filter. Both Blackstone and the Mechanic say just change the oil again in 25 hours and send in oil for analysis. I have about 17 hours on the oil since this last analysis. We flew to Oshkosh from SC about a week after the oil change and before I got the results back.

COPPER and Iron
24 (July 2018)
3 (March 2016)

152 (July 2018)
13 (March 2016)

the engine has about 1200 hours since new remanufactured direct from lycoming. When I bought the plane it has just had the new engine installed and it had 50 hours on it then. I have been the only pilot since the engine had 50 hours on it when I purchased it in 2005.

The only change for the aircraft in the last year is that it now spends more time in the south but is still flown about 100 hours per year with no significant downtime between flights.

Just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced a sudden increase in Iron and copper and what the outcome was. There are no other engine trouble symptoms of any kid yet.

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