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Ignorance of my antiquated avionics panel and other q's.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2013
Reaction score
So I'm usually the first one to say I'm a dumbass about something and that's pretty easy to state when it comes to my avionics stack in my Seneca.

I'm interested in replacing everything, but this work probably won't take place till late next year.

What I have:
KFC-200 with a standard KI-256 AI
Sandel SN3500 (without roll steering)

I went flying tonight to try and educate myself more with the panel and figure things out. Here's some observations:

* The Sandel doesn't seem to drive the autopilot on anything other than the heading bug. I would figure it should work for at least NAV? I know there's a GPS Steering option that I have yet to purchase. Admittedly I don't know much about the 3500 other than what I've read in the pilots guide for it, and it seems to be sparse on details.

* When I have the KNS-81 tuned to a VOR I expect to see a steady state on the course indicator of the 3500. Instead it wig-wags back and forth (as seen in this video: [ame]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3uFwGdwr7c[/ame] Sorry it's vertical...)

* I expect to be able to engage NAV on the KFC-200 and have the autopilot intercept the course track for the VOR and fly straight to the VOR.. but that doesn't seem to happen. Stays in 'NAV ARM' on the panel. Same for approach when intercepting the localizer when the ILS is programmed in to the KNS-81.

* KFC-200's altitude hold is intermittent. As in, if it's going to work this flight, it will work the entire flight. If not, it will either not follow the assigned altitude, or it will pitch me up to 15 degree climb and just shoot to the moon. I've had this happen at 3500ft, and 17,500ft.

What would cause them to be intermittent? The failure modes I've heard of usually indicate they fail completely. This being an intermittent problem makes it inherently more difficult to diagnose... Ostensibly the flight that I took the above video, the altitude hold was working fine.

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