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IFD - change WiFi channel (if two Wifi servers)

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Feb 15, 2012
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From a Comanche driver, on the Avidyne Live forums, an undocumented feature given to him by Tech Support to solve an issue. Someone else may find it of value.

He needs to run two different SSIDs on board, in his instance he wanted his Lynx 9000 to serve data, as well as the IFD, but each to different devices. Perhaps a little unique of a setting.

Normally with more than one Wifi device you would set one as server, and the others as client(s) on the SAME SSID. The IFD can run as client or hot spot. Then there would not be the potential for same channel data collision. That obviously wouldn't work for him as he wanted to have two separate subnets. It would work for a while, and then stop.

Here is the cool solution ...

The Avidyne [IFD] however has a very clever undocumented command that allows you to set the WiFi channel. Simply change the SSID to be whatever you want and put the number 1, 6, or 11 at the end, for example the default LIO_WIFI, change it to LIO_WIFI6 and the IFD will use channel 6 and the SSID will show up as LIO_WIFI6.

I had two devices in my aircraft on the same Wi-Fi channel using different SSIDs, after a period of time the Wi-Fi on both would stop working and I found that if I turned either one off the other device would continue to function normally. By moving one of the devices to a different channel (there are 11 channels, but only 3 are usable due to frequency overlap, 1, 6, & 11) my problem was resolved.
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