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IACRA Offline

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Aug 24, 2020
Reaction score
Guess the FAA is having a bad year...

IACRA is offline
Notice Number: NOTC2890

Currently, IACRA is offline and should be returning to service soon. Please continue to check the website for status.

On Monday morning, 2/27, IACRA was impacted by several database issues resulting in a system restore during which IACRA experienced some loss of data from 2/27 to 2/28.

For actions completed in IACRA between 2/27 (all day) and prior to 12 pm central on 2/28 may be impacted. Registry is actively reviewing the restored data to determine what can be saved. Although we believe we will be able to retrieve completed applications, it is unlikely we will be able to restore them to IACRA. The Registry will be able to complete the certificate action for these files and save all relevant data to the Airman file. Other actions in IACRA, like account creation, password changes, signatures on applications (other than certifying official) will likely have to be redone.

In order to allow the Registry time to manually process the applications impacted, please consider waiting until Tuesday, March 7th, or later to inquire on application status. If you have questions, please call the Airmen Registry at (866) 878-2498 or email [email protected].

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