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http://plane-mx.com - Free web service to track recurring maintenance for piston GA aircraft

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Dec 13, 2021
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[I hope its ok to post about free services, if not please let me know and i'll delete this post.]

I am an aircraft owner (PA28), and in my airplane I keep a binder with pages of flight logs to track tach, hobbs, gas, oil, etc. and several pages that help me track when recurring maintenance was completed. (As a easier to glance at record than the aircraft logs, which are usually under lock and key).

I got tired of going to the binder to glance at how many hours I had left before my next oil change, or how much fuel was in my airplane last time I parked it. And thought that there should be a web service to help me track all this. There are several of them, but they all wanted to charge me some small amount (its like $10 to $15 month)

And since I am also a software developer, I spent a few weeks since the holidays putting my own together, and now that its up and running and doing everything I needed it to do, I also thought that other aircraft owners might benefit from a basic tracking tool. And its very basic, and dumb, you tell it when a maintenance event is due, and it will count-down to that event, no smarts about how often things recur, etc.

And so Plane-MX.com was born! a simple free tracker for recurring maintenance for GA aircraft (my goal is to keep this free for as long as that is possible)


What it does

- Tracks counters (tach, hobbs, oil, gas) and you can update these during dispatch / check-in events.
- Tracks squawks
- Tracks recurring maintenance based on date due, or a custom counter. (like tach)

What this is not

- An official record keeping solution for aircraft maintenance. (its a free service!)
- A replacement for any aircraft records (logs, etc)

If this sounds interesting to you, please log-in and use it -- if you find bugs, or have suggestions, use the links on the site to send me email.


A few other tidbits
- I'm a backend developer, so please excuse the terrible HTML UI, its a work in progress
- Happy to take feature requests, and the top two things on my todo-list are: (a) put the source code up on github, and (b) create an export feature for the data you create.
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