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How is the Airspeed Indicator "calibrated"???....

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Nov 5, 2015
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The last few flights have seamed to be off on my indicated airspeed... felt sluggish in pattern at 80 mph... So yesterday I went out and did some slow flight... power off stalls in both clean and 3 flap config... and both showed the stall light coming on at 10 mph higher than before... 80 mph clean, used to be 70, and 70 at full flaps, which used to be 60. GPS ground speed confirmed there was something off... stall light was about 60 CS, and the brake came at 57 mph like before.

At the hight end, I was seeing 10 mph also, but was thinking this thing really is FAST!.. well maybe not so much. that 160+ TAS may be not right....

So what will cause the IAS to change 10 MPH??.. will be having the Pitot - static system checked, and the transponder certified also.... but what would make the change??.. what should be looked at before having the system checked??..

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