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Help - Red gear handle light, gear horn ; Aztec

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2015
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Can someone confirm the proper function of the red gear handle light and gear warning horn on the piper aztec mine is a D model

From my D model Owners Handbook

" A red light in the landing gear control knob flashes when the gear is up and either one of the throttles is pulled back."

"When both throttles are closed beyond a given power setting, approx 12 inches of manifold pressure with the wheels not down, the landing gear warning horn sounds."

I've checked a C model owners handbook and it reads the same.

The above leads me to understand the following:

A) the red gear light will flash with either throttle reduced to idle with the gear up both in the air and if on jack stands on the ground

B) the gear warning horn should ONLY sound if BOTH throttles are at idle -> can this be checked on the ground on jack stands despite it referencing 12 inches of manifold pressure? gear up of course...

I have discovered that my gear horn is sounding with either throttle reduced to idle with the gear up so I assume its miss rigged , I always thought it a little odd and that it would be very distracting flying during an emergency with a failed engine with the gear horn blaring the whole time, from the above info from the owners handbook I would suspect during a single engine emergency while the gear is up and one engine feathered with the throttle at idle the gear light should be flashing the whole time and if for some bad reason the other throttle (working engine) was reduced to idle and the gear not down that is when the gear horn should sound...

is my interpretation correct?

Also my gear light isn't flashing at the moment but I suspect a burnt out bulb as it has worked in the past just fine
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