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Help! Annual Due… Tampa Bay Fl area

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Jan 14, 2020
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I’m about to have my Annual done by the same shop that just replaced 2 cylinders on my 1981 Piper Turbo Arrow IV… which I assisted doing. Half way into the repair that mechanic quit and disappeared… new mechanic took 5 additional weeks to complete what was supposed to be a one-week repair… according to the old mechanic.

Now, in trying to setup my Annual with same shop… suddenly their insurance doesn’t allow non-employees in maintenance area so I can’t assist with my Annual. What ** that is.

Does anyone know a good, reliable shop/mechanic in the Tampa Bay FL area that can do an Annual Inspection and allows owner assisted Annuals? I was told the Min cost of the Annual is 22 hrs @ $90 / hr. I would expect that will include ALL the items on the published Inspection List for my aircraft.
Looking for any advice. Thanks!

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