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GTN 650 Refurbish

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Dec 8, 2012
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Well it has been an interesting past year for me. From a broken seat frame and having to replace it so refurbished both front seats to a complete engine rebuild. Now a GPS issue. I installed a new GTN 650 about 1 year after they first came out. It was over 10 years ago but would have to look up the exact year. For about the last year, sometimes I would have to turn the GPS off and on again a few times to get the GPS to recognize the updates on the data card but it would eventually work. Last weekend on a flight from SC to MI, the terrain map on the GPS suddenly went black. All other functions continued to work and all databased were available but the terrain database. Pictures attached of the error message. Even had to do an IFR approach back into Columbia SC on return and everything worked just no terrain database. I know that all databases are taken off the data card and stored on the GTN because you can remove the data card and everything is still there. However, I believe the terrain database is read off the data card and not stored in the GTN. Do we believe the data card reader on the GTN finally completely failed. Having to reset the GPS a few times to get it to recognize the data card was probably a warning sign of impending failure. The avionics shop says that in their experience some of the early GTN650s have been experiencing failures of the card readers in recent years. The Avionics stop told me Garmin’s flat repair rate is $1,400 (at least I think that is what they said but it really does not matter as it has to go in) so they pulled it and sent it off to Garmin. They believe Garmin has a 10 day turnaround and they refurbish the unit for that price.

It was shipped to Garmin yesterday. I am wondering if anyone else has sent in a GTN 650 for refurbishment and how it went. How long did it take? I am not really complaining, it is a piece of electronics and it is over 10 years old but am a little worried with COVIDs impact on the workforce, how quickly I will actually get the unite back.


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