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GPSS Gain for STec 20 with GTN 650xi and GI 275AP

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Feb 15, 2012
Reaction score
In GPSS mode my STec 20 is a bit sluggish, not turning the 90 turns in the "T" approaches crisply but rather with a loop. On a procedure turn or course reversal it also takes up more sky than seems necessary. The bank is not more than one-half standard rate. It also overshoots intercepts with a large angle but does fine on moderate turns, like on a victor airway.

I have a GTN 650xi and GI 275 ADAHRS AP version. Initially, I didn't know what to compare performance to but after a couple of months of use I suspect that maybe things could be better.

Studying the other forums online, it sounds like the GPSS gain needs to be increased. However, I am in the dark on this point. Is the GPSS gain adjusted in the STec 20, the GI 275 or the GTN 650xi? I found some references in the install and maintenance materials but nothing definitive. The other manufacturers (eg Aspen) appear to be more open in their materials.

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