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GPS Direct Routing for IFR Operations

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Dec 8, 2012
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I have been flying IFR for about 10 years to and from many states east of the Rockies. I often file for and get direct routing as I really have very little desire to get stacked up on airways with multiple other planes. Not to mention airways often can add time to flights.

Just a few days ago we returned from a two week vacation to see different cities and sites. Our flight plan over the two weeks took us to the following cities

  1. Start at Columbia, SC
  2. Richmond, Virginia
  3. Allentown, PA
  4. Manchester, NH
  5. Bar Harbor, Maine
  6. Manchester, NH
  7. Allentown, PA
  8. Richmond, Virginia
  9. End at Columbia, SC

For all of those flights I was able to get either director routing or when flying around DC throwing in a few airports as waypoints to avoid DC TFR and a few restricted areas. The only time I did not get as filed and given alternate routing to stack all planes on Airways was the flight between Allentown and Manchester and the return from Allentown to Richmond. In fact the trip from Manchester to Allentown was routed over Scranton which added 30 minutes to the flight.

When I ask controllers about this they indicated that they will never give a direct route and in fact anything near philly airspace is not allowed to go direct anyway. They also indicated they cannot allow any airport to be used as a fix unless you are landing there. On the flight from Richmond to Allendale (pic attached) I was allowed to file 2 airports as waypoints and I flew the entire route now problem. On the return I was denied what I filed and was given the Airway route (pic attached). They were not real busy so I ask about it and they stated no airport can be used as a waypoint. I did tell them I got that routing on the way into Allentown and they said that was normal but they are not allowed to give any direct routing or allow an airport as a waypoint on this side.

I just fine it odd that we have any area of the Country where controllers are told they cannot allow direct routing or for any Airport to be used as a flyover waypoint. I believe GPS direct routing is safer then putting all aircraft on an airway but I am sure there is a valid reason for not allowing direct routing when in this area.

Not really interested in the take that pilots should never question routing or a real IFR pilot can fly any airway. Sure I was able to program the airways and fly them, I just thought GPS direct was the future and safer than all airplanes on an airway. Would love to hear any insights others have.


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