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Got my instrument rating!

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Nov 9, 2014
Reaction score
Just got back to San Diego today after completing the accelerated IFR training at GATTS in Manhattan, Kansas. Anyone considering accelerated training - I highly recommend these guys. They're a father/son team, and do instrument, commercial, turbine training and a host of other ratings/trainings. Dale, the founder is a former airline pilot, Vietnam huey medical rescue chopper pilot, crop-duster, and 20+ year FAA examiner, and an all around great guy. His son Jason, does most of the scheduling and business for the company, and is also an instructor. They have several full-time instructors, and have their own "GATTS" system. I was a bit apprehensive and wondered how I'd get it done so quickly, but let me tell you - their system works, and while it was intense, I was MORE than prepared.

My instructor, Matt flew commercial out to San Diego, and we flew the Saratoga out to Kansas on an epic flight through SoCal, AZ, New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma. So by the time we'd gotten there, I already had a jump on the training. The ground was thorough, and they had some really great ways to simplify holds, arcs, and some of the less frequent maneuvers associated with IFR flight. We flew a ton, and supplemented actual flight with simulator time, which was invaluable for reinforcing a bunch of the procedures where it would've taken much longer setting up to practice them in the airplane. The weather was perfect the whole week, and as luck would have it, it was MVFR and IFR the morning of the check ride and had to postpone it 2 days. It was annoying being ready for the ride but stuck in Kansas for a couple extra days, but Kansas State is in Manhattan and there is a nice restaurant/bar scene! Had the check ride yesterday with a seasoned DPE, and passed with solid praise from the the examiner. It all really came together on days 6 and 7, but let me tell you, on day 5, I wasn't sure it was going to click. Jason, Dale and my instructor Matt all assured me I was ready, and they were right.

I then flew to Denver on my first IFR flight plan, and shot an ILS approach (in VMC) and spent the night with some college friends, and then flew back to SD this morning with a buddy who was out in Denver on business. Filed to KSDL Scottsdale with plans to eat, fuel and stretch our legs after the 5 hour flight, but on short final for the RNAV, the landing traffic ahead of me locked his brakes up on landing and they had me go around, and with only 1 runway, the airport was closed for a while. Canceled IFR and landed 5 minutes away at KDVT and had lunch, re-fueled and 2 more hours until we landed at home to San Diego at KSEE.

Overall a tremendous experience I'll always remember, and I'm excited to continue to practice in the system every chance I get, and maybe try some light actual when the marine layers hang around. I can certainly see how having the rating and staying both current and proficient will make me a safer pilot. Sorry for the long post, but I've gotten some great advice from other members her on all kinds of topics, and would like to return the favor. Feel free to PM, email or call if anyone wants more specific info, and enjoy the pics below.









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