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Going To Osh to Research Panel Upgrade (and other stuff)

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2011
Reaction score
Heading to Osh to look around and see what vendors have to offer for avionics upgrade. Going to do the new panel next year in the IFR 63 180. Currently have 2 KX-170B with equally old (but stable) KMD-20 and garmin transponder. Also looking at STEC-30 with GPSS at the same time.
Garmin is the "microsoft gorilla" but I am going to see what other vendors exist that don't have as much marketing money.

I have to highlight the vendor list with stops because I only have two days.

Other than Garmin, Bendix/King and S-TEC - who else do I need to see to evaluate system options for IFR GPS WAAS with GPSS and good comm's that actually work together and have a shot at not being defunct 2 years after I purchase?

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