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GNX375 Database updates and Bluetooth/Connext

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Jun 3, 2020
Reaction score
KDWH Houston TX
I recently upgraded our PA28-180C with a GNX 375 GPS/Xponder... it's working great and I have been doing my IFR training with it. I did all of my PPL training with ForeFlight and still use it on a yoke mount. I'm trying to get more accustomed to using the GNX for my IFR flight plans. So a couple of questions:

1) Which of the databases should I be updating religiously? It seems to me like the only one I need to keep fully updated is the Nav Data. I can see wanted to update the Obstacles and SafeTaxi pretty periodically, but as far as my research shows it's just the Nav that has to be kept up-to-date by the regs. Is this accurate? It looks like the most costt effective option is to get the yearly Nav Data subscription for $300. And maybe do the obstacles and safe taxi every once in a while? Happy for any tips and tricks on keeping the databases as up-to-date as possible without breaking the bank.

2) All of my research shows that I can connect the GNX 375 directly to ForeFlight using bluetooth but in my ~15 minutes of testing I couldn't get the ipad to recognize the 375 in bluetooth pairing. I've printed out the specific instructions to give it another go but it seems like it should just work to pair like any other bluetooth hardware combo. Any tips there or stories from folks who have managed to pair the devices?


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