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Garmin Support Experience

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Jun 30, 2020
Reaction score

I have a GI-275 EIS with a GEA24 engine monitor installed. Overall, I'm happy with the display, but a few sensors were installed incorrectly.
For example, the CHT probes were installed in the fuel injector ports, and the manifold pressure sensor is mounted off a pipe attached directly to the engine case.
I got the shop to resolve the CHT probes, but they have not fixed the manifold pressure sensor issue, and I have not had much luck working with them since. They are quite busy with other installations. I have seen the same issues on other planes coming out of that shop.

So, these sensors basically don't work.

I can't get a response back from the shop that worked on the install.
And Garmin took weeks to respond, and is going through things like "is a snubber installed"

Does anyone here have experience working with garmin or garmin dealers during the warranty period?
It seems like these things should be covered under warranty, and they need to get resolved.

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