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Garmin database updates and packs

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Dec 2, 2022
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Hey all, I finally got my avionics where I want them for awhile, and I have a general database question. I had been putting off updating the unit I put in last year until I added another. Currently running a GNS 530 as primary with a GNC 355 below, both feeding G5s in the six pack. I've looked at the Garmin Bundles (seems like everyone has a bundle these days....). They have OnePaks and PilotPaks, with the primary difference being the PilotPaks include a Jepp Nav database instead of Garmin database. Also, I don't think the Jepp database can be used in the 530, only the 355. Heck, I even have a 296 portable I think I can include with this.

Is this the best way to keep multiple device databases up to date? And what is the difference database-wise? Thoughts and advice?
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