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Fuel Selector Valve Concern...Again

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Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
Reaction score
"SAIB Covering Piper Fuel Selectors
Notice Number: NOTC1439

There has been a long history of the FAA addressing Piper Cherokee fuel selector valves. Due to a recent accident that precipitated the FAA to issue an Airworthiness Concern Sheet (ACS) querying operators on the prevalence and issues associated with the use of generation one (1) fuel selector valves in the current fleet. Based on the response the FAA received, it is recommended that we remind the flying public of SAIB CE-14-22 and emphasize familiarity with the operation of and proper maintenance of the fuel selector valve as outlined in SAIB CE-14-22.
Select the link to view the full SAIB

For questions or comments please contact Gideon Jose via e-mail ([email protected]) or by phone (404-474-5569)."

Apparently the FAA is still trolling for an AD so Piper can sell all those (initially produced incorrectly) new fuel valve covers.

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