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Fuel Pump adjustments

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Jan 14, 2020
Reaction score
I have a Piper Turbo Arrow IV and recently had the Fuel Pump overhauled to new by QAA. It wasn't returned setup any particular way so my mechanic installed it as it was received and the engine would not continue to run without auxiliary pump on. I then remembered that I took extensive photos of the pump before shipping it off to be overhauled. I counted the set-screw threads from the photos and set the set-screw threads on the overhauled unit the same... it worked! However, I am certain there is a specific procedure to adjust the set-screws for more optimal performance... I'm still getting a mild roughness down around 1000 rpm. Can anyone please advise on who I can go to or where I can find the specific procedure to properly set my fuel pump for optimal performance?
Thank you in advance!

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