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For Sale FS: Whelen Black Friday 15% Off - 11.24-12.8.23

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Jul 9, 2018
Reaction score
Greetings Piper Forum members,

Gallagher Aviation is a proud Whelen Aerospace Technologies (WAT) authorized reseller and this year for Black Friday, Whelen is providing an unprecedented 15% off select LED and HID products from Friday, November 24 through Friday, December 8th.

Examples of products that are discounted 15% include the popular G3 LED landing and taxi lights in the PAR-36 and PAR-46 sizes, the Orion 360 LED beacon lights, 71080 series LED beacon lights, 90520 series LED beacon lights, 90724 series LED beacon lights, Orion series LED wingtip and tail lights, select HID BoomBeam landing light kits, and more.

Our website has automatically been updated to reflect these incredibly competitive pricing but if you do not know what your airplane needs, please contact us and we can provide custom quotes to help you navigate all the options available to you.

www.gallagheraviationllc.com <-- Website
1-833-425-5288 <-- Call, please leave a voicemail if we do not answer
513-401-6495 <-- Call/Text/MMS, please leave a voicemail if we do not answer
[email protected] <-- Email us here


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