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For Sale FS: BatteryMINDer Battery Chargers

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Jul 9, 2018
Reaction score
I'm excited to announce that Gallagher Aviation is BatteryMINDer's newest authorized dealer. We now stock and ship several different BatteryMINDer trickle chargers and will continue to add additional products and accessories to our online store. These are the best battery chargers in the industry and are specifically designed to maintain your Concorde, Gill, or Odyssey battery. I maintain my Concorde battery with a BatteryMINDer and I have seen instances that are documented on aviation forums that have shown these chargers providing several more years of life out of our expensive batteries. You can check them out on my new online store at the link below. Minimum Advertised Price is $270.95, add them to your cart for the current price, plus shipping.

BatteryMINDer Link - Click Here <-- Website link here
1-833-425-5288 <-- Call me here
[email protected] <-- Email me here


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