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Foreflight + Jeppesen

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Feb 15, 2012
Reaction score
Well, the latest release of FF now includes native support for Jepp plates in Foreflight. You can also continue to view the US & Cdn government plates.

For many that will be a yawn, especially for US pilots blessed with low cost Gov charts. But for me it is a HUGE benefit, as I exclusively use Jepps. They are about the same cost as Cdn charts, and using Jepps, I look at the same kind of chart no matter where I go. To me they are better organized as well. If only Jepp customer service were better!

If you have the full Avidyne data bundle, you get four "seats" for Jepp charts included. You can use one of those for your Foreflight "license" for Jepp charts. Or you can buy a separate license through Foreflight.

The availability of Jepp charts in Foreflight, with the reported planned exit of Jepp from tablet apps, together with the cool Avidyne IFD100 app, is what drove me to get a single purpose iPad for my flightbag.

* Orest

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