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For Sale: David Clark H-10 Headset and Airtex Backpanel for Warior II or Archer II

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Oct 22, 2011
Reaction score
(KGAI) Gaithersburg, MD
I am selling my David Clark H-10 headsets that have been converted to stereo. Has GA plugs. Excellent shape with some splitting on head pad. Either glue it, ignore the split, or replace for about $11. Asking $150.

I have an Airtex back panel for a Warrior II or Archer II. May fit other planes. Light brown with no cuts or screw holes (I used velcro to attach). It has a velcroed access panel. I replaced it because it did not match my new interior. I won't ship but if you want to pick it up at Gaithersburg, MD, its yours for $15.

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