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FAA Approves Removal of Attitude Indicator With Single Aspen EFD 1000 PFD Pro MAX

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2013
Reaction score
While looking through the Aspen website today, I saw this:

MEDIA ALERT: FAA Approves Removal of Attitude Indicator with Installation of a Single Aspen Avionics’ Pro MAX Primary Flight Display (PFD)

With a software update to V2.11 and the installation of a new, larger backup battery for the PFD, aircraft owners can have their standby attitude inidcators and vacuum pumps removed from their airplanes.

My standby AI and vacuum system are working fine so I probably won't have them removed right away. Plus, I get a sense of extra security from having an AI that is totally independent from my airplane's electrical system. But I might remove the standby AI and vacuum system instead of repairing them when they do eventually wear out.

What are your thoughts?

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