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Excessive Water in Fuel Tank

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Jan 7, 2013
Reaction score

I am looking for some advice on my 180.

I keep it outside, but with a nice cover from Bruces. The cover is for the fusalage only, not the wings.

Last weekend, after not flying for several weeks, I had to drain about ten fuel testers of water out of the pilot side wing tank.

The other tank never has much water in it to speak of.

It could be the seal, and I have order replacements.

But, I am concerned it is something else.

What are the other ways water could get into the tank.

Also, this tank, for over 15 years, has had a very, very slight seep on teh underside base of the tank, at the screws. There is never any fuel there, but there is residue and a slight rusty color around the screws that house the bottom of the tank.

Additionally, after landings, if I have a full tank, I can smell avgas. This could be just overflow from the overflow line, which is fine, or it could be something else.

Added together, all of these make me wonder if there is something up with that tank that I need to take a look at.

Please advise if anyone has seen something similar or if you know the internal construction well enough to describe possible causes.



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