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Ever feel like your'e being held hostage?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
Reaction score
In this yr. I had an engine failure while flying home from a family gathering. Luckily, I was able to glide to an airport and get her down safely. The town doesn't even know they have an airport. My plane sat there, unprotected for a couple of weeks. A friend then flew me back there, and we checked to see what might be the cause, and to place a brand new canopy cover over the plane.
Finding a mid-time 0-360 A3A came easy. I purchased the engine, had it shipped to a mechanic who owns a shop about an hr. away from my plane.
After what seemed like forever, the engine got installed, but they forgot to bring air to pump up the tires, and the brand new battery was discharged, and they forgot to charge it. That was on a Thursday. Over the week-end, my plane was broken into( at least they ruined the door trying), so the plane couldn't be flown to the shop.
Needless to say, I was pissed.
The plane was in annual then, but was going to need one by the end of August. I felt at that time I could trust the mechanic working on the plane. It was airworthy enough to fly for 30 minutes to the shop.
Once he began the annual, the crap hit the fan. A squawk list of over 60 items!!!!!!!!!!
He deemed the plane unairworthy for a 1hr. and 30 minute flight to my home FBO. Some were rivots, some were very minor things, but all in all the plane was flyable to get it home.
Once I told him I couldn't afford another 7500.00 in repairs after just putting in another engine, he stopped communicating with me. He actually got pissed off that I showed up at his shop after driving for 3 hrs. just to see my plane and take a look at all of his squawk items, as well a deliver a salvaged door to him.

My issue is this: I spoke with an A/P IA who said all he had to do was file the form for a ferry permit saying the plane was out of annual. He didn't need to list at length every detail he found wrong with a 47 year old plane. He made sure the FAA knew of each item he had found, which is holding up the process even more of getting my plane back home and fixing all the things as time and money permit. I agreed that one item needed attention, so I ordered the part myself and saved a hundred dollars by doing so and sent it to him to install. Another week has now gone by and I haven't heard a word. He won't return phone calls, emails, and hence I have to send his wife emails, and call her. I feel she is more interested in being a Mom , rather than helping a customer.

I feel like I am being held hostage. With the one part ( a forward spinner bulkhead) installed, the plane is airworthy. He has been paid in full, which he didn't even want to order the door until he received a check, so I'm getting more pissed by the day.

Any advice from this forum would be greatly appreciated. My plane has been down for 6 months, which is doing it more harm than good. I've owned it for 16 months, and it's been down for 8 of those 16.
I want to get her home and begin working on the list of squawks. I really need to go flying...... I have a BFR this month, plus I'm still paying hanger fees.

His comment to me was " I'm like a boat owner who can't afford to put the boat in the water" really pissed me off. Yet, he's bitching he doesn't have the money to order a door. The door was 575.00, and he wanted 895.00 for a salvaged door.

This has been a major stresser for me for a long time. I'm fed up with this guy, and the process of him having to get the ferry permit.
So what are the regs on this?

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