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Engine "miss"

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
My A&P and i are going to try to get to the bottom of this in the morning but its a slow forum day so I'll ask here before I head down in the morning. This is hard to describe. I have a slight and i mean very slight "miss" when i push the throttle in around 1100 RPM or so but no where else in the arc, its like 1 cylinder misses fire on one stroke when going from 700RPM to 1700 RPM around the time it gets to 1100 RPM. If you arent really tuned into the engine, you will not notice it. My A&P thinks its something to do with some sort of mechanism that gives a little boost of gas to the carb when you press the throttle in. Suggestions? When I did a mag cleanup (i.e full throttle running only on left mag then lean out and let it run for a while) it seems to (but I wont say definitively that it did) have helped it but its still ever so faintly there.

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