There are as many opinions as shops, but anyone recommend an exchange shop?
Penn yan is pretty reasonably priced and is well known, any reason not to go with them?
Corona doesn't have the o-360-a4m listed for exchange, but I'm checking overhaul turnaround
My experience with western skyways has been they're very busy and it's 2 months plus turnaround, based on the last engine they did for me (io550)
Jewell aviation has a good name for overhaul too, but I need it sooner than later.
Who is least likely to gig me for more money based on the condition of my core?
Penn yan is pretty reasonably priced and is well known, any reason not to go with them?
Corona doesn't have the o-360-a4m listed for exchange, but I'm checking overhaul turnaround
My experience with western skyways has been they're very busy and it's 2 months plus turnaround, based on the last engine they did for me (io550)
Jewell aviation has a good name for overhaul too, but I need it sooner than later.
Who is least likely to gig me for more money based on the condition of my core?