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Engine Builder for a C90

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Junior Member
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
Just returned from the Reno Races, and had a great time!

I am considering having my C90 in my Clipped Wing Cub (w Excello Fuel Injection) overhauled in about 2 years.

Walking around Reno in the Pits, seemed like just about every O-200 powered machine, had a "Ly-Con" motor in them.

I'd like to maybe go 9:1 compression, balance blueprint, port and polish, exchange the Excello for a pressure carb., and what ever other stuff is good, while maintaining normal reliability, but trying to achieve a little more go juice.
Anyway, I am considering Ly-Con or Don's Dream Engines in 2 years.

Anyone want to offer there favorite Engine candidate, while I have time to slowly consider my options.

Thanks in advance.


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