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Better than New Aztec F turbo For Sale

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Jan 23, 2013
Reaction score
I am selling my 1976 Aztec F turbo



Asking Price $299,000

Make Offer

This is an amazing 2013/1976 Year Piper Turbo Aztec F with full De-ice. Owner is moving up to a twin engine turbo-prop and is willing to consider trades for a twin engine turbo-prop.

N21NC is a very low time Turbo Aztec F with only 2904 total time. The owner of this aircraft wanted a “better than new aircraft”. He approached the aircraft project with a “blank check”, investing close to $500,000 in the aircraft, with a state of the art panel with every possible option, many airframe upgrades, overhauled engines including all accessories, custom new paint and new interior. The owner received professional flight training and since 2013 when the refurbishment was complete, he has continued to operate the aircraft with a “blank check” philosophy. Anything that needed to be fixed, WAS! This is a true turn key aircraft that has been brought up to the 21st Century.

This aircraft was the featured aircraft in the March 2013 Piper Owner Magazine

180 Knots during 34 GPH total at 10,000 feet
190 Knots during 34 GPH total at 16,000 feet
187 Gallons of total fuel
Approximately 1800 lbs. of useful load

Current paint and interior condition 8 out of 10. Custom paint scheme and complete custom interior completed in 2013.

Better than New 2013 Refurbishment included:


New STEC 55 Autopilot with all options including altitude pre-select, vertical speed mode and auto trim
New Aspen PFD 1000 Pro with synthetic vision with 2 battery backup’s
New Aspen EFD1000 MFD with second ARARS (only requires a backup attitude indicator)
New Garmin GTN 650
New Garmin 340 Audio Panel
New Garmin GTX 327 Transponder
New SL-30 second COM/NAV
New Altimeter
New Avidyne TAS-615 Traffic TCAS System displayed on the Aspen systems
NEW L3 WX-500 Stormscope displayed on the Aspen systems
New Turn Coordinator
New JPI EDM 960 Primary Replacement Engine monitor, engine status display, including RPM, MP, etc
New Garmin 696 MFD with XM Weather and XM Radio played on intercom
New Custom metal panel
New 406mHz ELT
All existing panel lights replaced by Nulights bezel lighting


Replaced all fuel bladders
Replaced all fuel elbows
Overhauled all fuel senders
Replaced all fuel cap seals
Installed new Diamond Aire Wing tip fuel tanks (6 fuel tanks total on aircraft, 186 usable fuel)
Installed new Diamond Aire single piece speed slope windshield
Installed new Diamond Aire flap gap seals
Installed new inflatable STC door seal
New left and right brakes and disks
New wheel bearings and races
Replaced nose wheel axle tube
Rebuilt right and left mail oleo struts
Painted battery box
Overhauled Janitor Heater with heater hobbs added
Hydrostatic O2 Bottle
Replaced sump drains
New LED Beacons
New HID landing light
New LED position lights
New LED Taxi Lights
New Paint
New Interior
Leather wrapped yokes
New double thickness tinted grey windows
Arctic Air Ice Cooler A/C system integrated into the plane
28V power plugs in each seat row


Engines overhauled to factory new specs including

New factory steel cylinders
Overhauled Bendix magnetos
New Harness
Overhauled fuel injection system
Overhauled turbocharger
New spark plugs
New flex fuel and oil lines
Overhauled prop governor
Overhauled alternator
Overhauled vacuum pump
Overhauled waste gate
Overhauled larger controller
Overhauled small controller
Overhauled fuel pump
Overhauled starter
New Engine Mounts
New baffle seals
Left and right propellers overhauled
New Exhaust both engine
Damage History

2014 - Exhaust leak on left engine cause hole to be burned in lower cowling, exhaust was replaced as well as waste gate and lower cowl was replaced

2014 - While plane was on jacks, plane fell on nose, only damage was to radome - repaired with all new parts

1977 - nose gear collapse with minor nose radome damage
Engine Manufacturer
Engines overhauled to factory new specs by Signatures Engines including:

New factory steel cylinders
Overhauled Bendix magnetos
New Harness
Overhauled fuel injection system
Overhauled turbocharger
New spark plugs
New flex fuel and oil lines
Overhauled prop governor
Overhauled alternator
Overhauled vacuum pump
Overhauled waste gate
Overhauled larger controller
Overhauled small controller
Overhauled fuel pump
Overhauled starter
New Engine Mounts
New baffle seals
Left and right propellers overhauled
New Exhaust both engines
Installed new Diamond Aire Wing tip fuel tanks (6 fuel tanks total on aircraft, 186 usable fuel)
Installed new Diamond Aire single piece speed slope windshield
Installed new Diamond Aire flap gap seals
Installed new inflatable STC door seal
New LED Beacons
New HID landing light
New LED position lights
New LED Taxi Lights
New STEC 55 Autopilot with all options including altitude pre-select, vertical speed mode and auto trim
New Aspen PFD 1000 Pro with synthetic vision with 2 battery backup’s
New Aspen EFD1000 MFD with second ARARS (only requires a backup attitude indicator)
New Garmin GTN 650
New Garmin 340 Audio Panel
New Garmin GTX 327 Transponder
New SL-30 second COM/NAV
New Altimeter
New Avidyne TAS-615 Traffic TCAS System displayed on the Aspen systems
NEW L3 WX-500 Stormscope displayed on the Aspen systems
New Turn Coordinator
New JPI EDM 960 Primary Replacement Engine monitor, engine status display, including RPM, MP, etc
New Garmin 696 MFD with XM Weather and XM Radio played on intercom
New Custom metal panel
New 406mHz ELT
All existing panel lights replaced by Nulights bezel lighting
Additional Equipment
Since 2013 the following has been completed on the aircraft

All new De-Ice boots (2015)
New windshield hot plate (2015)
New VOR Antenna
New Avionics relay
New map light
New trim indicator
Overhauled Left Exhaust due to leak
New left and right engine fuel pump
Installed repaired Hartzell turbocharger due to exhaust leak
New Hydraulic pump on the left engine
Installed co-pilot brakes
Current paint and interior condition 8 out of 10. Custom paint scheme and complete custom interior completed in 2013.
All new Custom interior including all seats stripped down to frames, all new foam, all new two tone leather seat covers, side panels covered in leather, all plastic covered in fabric, new headliner, all new carpet, all new insulation, all new tinted grey thicker windows.
Inspection Status
ELT Due 11/2016
IFR Due 11/2016
Annual Due 11/2016
Complete Logbooks

Feel free to contact me via email [email protected] or 252-241-5886


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