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Engine behaving badly

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
We have an Arrow with the 180 HP IO- 360 engine (fuel injected). During a recent flight we got some roughness which seemed to come and go. Fuel flow appeared normal. The next day my partner flew it and noticed an indication of extremely high fuel flow. The needle actually rotated to about the 9:00 o'clock position.

Our mechanic cleaned and reset the plugs. Then he found that fuel flow to one cylinder was less than the others so he cleaned all the nozzles. We ran up the engine to 2,000 RPM and I thought it was going to shake out of the mounts. Right mag, left mag, both mags -made no difference. Lean or rich - no difference. Somebody saw fire coming out of the exhaust. It was fairly smooth at idle however.

The timing and the compression are good. Our mechanic said it just about has to be fuel. He removed the fuel control and all the downstream items, which we sent off for overhaul.

Any other ideas?

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