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dripping fuel when topped off

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2015
Reaction score
'78 Aztec F
177 gallon usable system (55 gallon outboard tanks / 35 gallon inboard)

When everything topped off, LH outboard seeping into inboard and then overboard (overflow vent) at pretty good drip, drip, drip rate.

When LH outboard gets down to roughly half full, no seeping into LH inboard.

Shutting 'off' fuel selector to left side 95% stops seeping/leaking when tanks full. But not completely.

Does anyone have a fuel system diagram that is better than in manual/POH? I'm trying to understand how fuel can drain into inboard tanks via gravity and why it stops when outboards are half full..

Perhaps time for rebuild fuel selector valves?

I'm confident there isn't a fuel bag leak. Bags are new-ish and only leaks from overflow vent.

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